Christine Mullebrouck

Why consult?

All questions are legitimate.
All fear and/or anguish is legitimate as well – be it connected to identity, to experienced or feared violence, or to tough decision-making.

I can help you work through the following issues/questions:
Finding it difficult to give up an addiction, whichever the type.
All questions regarding relationships, sexuality, family life, the desire to have children or not, food related difficulties, difficulties related to money, burn out, bore-out, physical disease without it corresponding to any given diagnosis.
Fear of death, illness.
All questions around gender questions are safe with me.

I speak French and English.

I have a master’s degree in philosophy.
I underwent psycho analysis for myself for many years.

I have worked for 25 years in psychiatric institutions.
I followed seminars and continuing education in psychology (neuroscience, trauma), psychoanalysis, and philosophy (I give lectures to adults).
I lived abroad for 12 years: The United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, Chile, and Bulgaria.
This experience helped me to broaden my perspective of the world and heightened my sensitivity to cultural differences.

Need support? Get in touch with our team for solutions in sexual dysfunction therapy!

For any questions or concerns about sexual dysfunction, our team of qualified sex therapy professionals is here to offer you confidential and respectful support. Feel free to contact us on 02 669 39 17 to book an appointment, or fill in the contact form to find out more about how we can help you towards a healthy and satisfying sex life.

Psychotherapist Anderlecht - Christine Mullebrouck

Psychotherapist Anderlecht – Christine Mullebrouck

Les troubles sexuels chez les seniors

Avec l’âge, le sexe n’est plus ce qu’il était dans la vingtaine, mais il peut encore être agréable. Contrairement à ce que certains mythes laissent entendre, le sexe n’est pas réservé aux jeunes. De nombreuses personnes âgées…

Les troubles sexuels chez les couples

Le sexe est au cœur de la plupart des relations intimes et il existe inévitablement une interaction entre le sexe et l’intimité. Le sexe est un événement physique, psychologique et interpersonnel, et le traitement..