Sibylle Malphettes Sibylle Malphettes Hypnologist Uccle

Feeling better starts here ! Hypnologist Uccle

If you are going through temporary difficulties…personally or professionally

Or you may feel a void, a loss of self-confidence… or even something deeper…

You seek to feel better, to understand yourself in another level; you are looking for meaning…or maybe you want to reorient yourself professionally?

You may suffer from stress or experiencing burnout?

To answer all these questions, I offer a UNIQUE support, based on the study of your personality, your beliefs and your values.

I put at your disposal my experience, my learning and my skills from the most classic to the most unusual tools, to coach you and understand you quickly and precisely.

I guide you to find your resources and develop new ones AND we build together solutions to develop your UNIQUE personality.

For 15 years I was a decorator and project manager, I leant a lot during this time.

And now by helping you reharmonizing your inner self, I’m not so far from that!

Since 2014 I reorient myself and practiced life coaching, in France and now in Belgium using a beautiful set of tools :

Psychology and coaching tools.

The study of your personality using several tools like the MBTI or the Enneagram.

Also the Ericksonnian Hypnosis allows you to make your own decisions and explore your unconscious peacefully.

Sound work and Mindfullness helps you deal autonomously with your stress.

Need support? Get in touch with our team for solutions in sexual dysfunction therapy!

For any questions or concerns about sexual dysfunction, our team of qualified sex therapy professionals is here to offer you confidential and respectful support. Feel free to contact us on 02 669 39 17 to book an appointment, or fill in the contact form to find out more about how we can help you towards a healthy and satisfying sex life.

trouble sexuel – Hypnologist Uccle trouble sexuel – Hypnologist Uccle

Hypnologist Uccle

Hypnologist Uccle

Les troubles sexuels chez la femme

Les troubles sexuels chez les femmes comprennent des douleurs pendant les rapports sexuels, des contractions douloureuses involontaires (spasmes) des muscles entourant le vagin (vaginisme), un manque d’intérêt pour la sexualité (faible libido) et des problèmes d’excitation ou d’orgasme.

Les troubles sexuels chez les couples

Le sexe est au cœur de la plupart des relations intimes et il existe inévitablement une interaction entre le sexe et l’intimité. Le sexe est un événement physique, psychologique et interpersonnel, et le traitement..